
PRIMIX est une société dont le but principal est de développer des solutions techniques dans le mélange des liquides et/ou des gazs avec des mélangeurs statiques et des échangeurs de chaleur

PRIMIX est le partenaire de chaque client et cherche à installer une coopération rapprochée pour parvenir à une solution approfondie des demandes et problèmes. La société cible principalement l’industrie chimique, alimentaire et pharmaceutique. Des applications spécifiques se retrouvent également dans le traitement d’eau et les industries environnementales.

PRIMIX supplies and produces, as a global organization, advanced static mixers and heat exchangers. With an extensive network of dealers, PRIMIX provides solutions to mix liquids and / or gases without any moving parts. Through numerous unique PRIMIX designs the products are ideally suited for clean processes, CIP (Cleaning in Place), low and high temperature processes with different viscosities. Almost any combination imaginable of gas and liquid can be mixed with a static mixer PRIMIX, emulsified, suspended or subjected to a thermal treatment.

PRIMIX has its own engineering department, production and quality control. Together with its partner organizations PRIMIXensures proper alignment and communication with its clients. A static mixer or heat exchanger is, in most situations, custom-made so it matches exactly the process application. In a number of (standard) QDS special situations, a static mixer can be supplied within 48 hours.

Wherever you are active in the world, PRIMIXoffers a suitable solution for your process. Your local PRIMIX partner is your contact. More information is available at
